Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Typical Day at SYA

Here's the average day's schedule for me, to give you some sort of vague insight into what I spend my time doing. Please ignore the egregious grammatical errors.
6:00am: Wake up and attempt to get ready for school while rubbing sleep out of my eyes.
7:00am: Depart for school on my bike if the weather is good or on the bus if there is smog above 200 or a vague promise of rain.
7:20am: Arrive at school and/or get coffee, lock my bike into a rack, then climb the 6 flights of stairs to our school and either study or talk to people, depending on the homework the night before.
8am: Chinese class "starts" and we hand in our homework, then cram for our tingxie (daily dictation quiz on the previous night's new words).
8:10am: We have our tingxie and Chinese class really starts.
9:00am:  Our first Chinese class (Shi Laoshi's class) ends, and we begin cramming for our next tingxie.
9:10am: We do our second tingxie, and Chinese class with Tie Laoshi starts.
10:00am: Chinese class ends, and "conference time" (a code word for break) begins.
10:30am: Conference time ends and another class starts. I'll just give you my schedule, but everyone has different blocks. This is Monday's block rotation. At 10:30am, I have study hall/Chinese tutorial. So on Tuesdays and Fridays, it's a free period, but on Monday and Thursday, it's a 2-person class tutoring session with one of my Chinese teachers.
11:25am: Chinese History starts. We have about 12 people in our class, so it's small but not ridiculous. So far, we've covered how to make bronze and some early dynasties. We're currently discussing the Tao Te Ching.
12:15pm: Lunchtime! We can go to the cafeteria or go out for lunch.
1:00pm: Conference time technically begins now, but in reality it's just an extension of lunch.
1:30pm: Classes resume. I have Honors Precalculus (4 person class, wow).
2:20pm: English class. We're currently reading a book called Rivertown, which is pretty decent.
3:15pm: Class ends! I usually go out with friends to a cafe or something until around 5pm.
5pm: I bike or bus home and crack down on my homework.
6:30pm: My family calls me to eat dinner. Dinner consists of vegetables, rice, and sometimes fish or shrimp. One night we had pork, which was pretty crazy. My family eats mainly vegetables, though. I'm not complaining; my dad is a really good cook! I even liked the cucumber he cooked and I don't like cucumber.
8:30pm: I shower and get ready for bed, then finish up my homework.
10:00pm: I sleep.
6:00am: It starts again.

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the everyday life of one SYA student.
It's the Midautumn Festival tomorrow, so we have Thursday and Friday off school. 中秋节快乐!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Houhai, Sanlitun, and Coffeenie

This post is going to be about my weekend. On Friday, I had plans with a couple other people to go back to the 798 District (Beijing's art district). However, those plans were foiled by our general unwillingness to go all the way across town to one of the outer ring roads. Therefore, we decided to take a local bus to see a movie, with we being me, Isabel, Conrad, Alex, and Lizzie. There were some other people too, but they split off. We arrived at the movie theater and bought tickets to Elysium. We heard it was about class struggle, but it turned out to be mostly about really violent physical struggles. About 20 minutes before the movie ended, we got fed up with the whole thing and left, only to return 5 minutes later because we realized how close the movie was to ending. After that, we went to a really cute restaurant called Der Hut where the service and food were both awesome and the grand total for a five person meal was $12.58 USD. After dinner, Isabel and I split from the group, intending to go to Jessica's house, but eventually ending up at Houhai to meet a bunch of other people. We went back to Isabel's house, changed clothes, and sloshed through the pouring rain in order to get to Houhai. Once at Houhai, we struggled to find a taxi that would take us to meet our friends. The taxi that took us only took us because we jumped into the cab nearly before the other guy got out (perks of being a white person in Beijing). After some serious communication issues, we ended up at the south entrance of Houhai. Our directions were to meet at the local Starbucks (Xinbake); a group of locals thought it would be funny to give us wrong directions. Luckily, we ran into some friendlier people who pointed us the correct way. We arrived at Starbucks just in time to see the majority of the people we had come to meet decide to go home. However, with the people that stayed (in total it was me, Michael, Isabel, Zach, Erik, and Jessica T), we walked around for about an hour and then headed home on the subway after failing to procure a cab. I'm definitely planning on returning to Houhai; the view is incredible there. After I got home, I Skyped my friend Mia.

On Saturday, I woke up and Skyped with my friend Alison, then met up with a bunch of other people (Erik, Nina, Jessica T, Jessica P, Will, Zach, Michael, Reid, and John) to go find a fake Chipotle restaurant we'd heard about. We wandered near somewhere called the U-Center for about 20 minutes without finding the rumoured restaurant, and ultimately ended up at the mall in a Korean restaurant. After lunch, I went back to school and met up with Maya, Conrad, and Lizzie and we went to Sanlitun, which was awesome and which has lots of awesome foreigner fare (ex. burgers) and fun shopping. We then just walked around Sanlitun taking pictures. We walked up to the top of the Adidas building and looked at the view (which was gorgeous) and then walked down and across the street to watch some people roller-blading and take more pictures. All in all, it was a good day/night.

On Sunday, I went to Jessica P's family friend's coffee shop with Erik, Michael, Jessica T, Jessica P, and Nina. The coffee shop is called Cofeenie. I finished nearly all my math homework and rediscovered my love for iced lattes, then went home. It was a quiet day, but it was nice.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Closed Weekend

On Saturday, my mom took me to Tiananmen Square Park on the bus and we did this form of tai chi where you have a sort of tennis racquet shaped object with some stretchy stuff on it, and you do things while balancing the ball on the racquet. This, of course, was at 7am. I got to sleep in till the ridiculous hour of 6:30am. I discovered I have zero proficiency for it, despite my host mom's encouraging remarks as I struggled to do even the simplest moves. After, we went home for lunch. I forget what we ate at this point, but it was most likely vegetables; one of the first things my host family told me was that they rarely eat meat. I guess this year will be a healthy one for me. I then managed to take a nap, which I nearly never do. However, I was worn out from my failures as a practicer of tai chi. After I took a nap, my dad and I went to the cellphone store where he and the employee had a long conversation about something and I found out that I wasn't supposed to use the card until the next month. Following that second failure to accomplish something, we went to the bicycle store. The bicycle store, luckily, was a success. I bought a bike for around $50 with a basket, bell, and lock. The bike store, oddly, did not sell helmets. Another failure for the list! We then went home and ate dinner or something and I went to sleep.

The next day was some sort of Chinese school ceremony where they raise the flag and give speeches and give students awards. I understood nothing, but I had fun talking to the girl next to me. After that, since my host family wasn't picking me up later, I hung around with some other SYA kids for half an hour or so. I purchased some snacks to stash in my suitcase; I'm used to being able to grab a snack whenever I want it. I bought these Korean snacks that are like short Pocky with a mushroom cap of chocolate and some small mini boxes of raisins. I then went to the cellphone store as instructed by my host parents; I wanted to get 3G on my phone. Unfortunately, that required me registering my SIM card, which is a more painful process than you might think. After a two hour wait and communication issues (I had to call the Unicom English help hotline to translate) I finally procured 2.5GB a month for only 100 RMB, about $16 USD! That's pretty cheap, I believe. I also Skyped one of my friends at home while in line; it was awesome to catch up. I then got very, very, very lost trying to go  home from the store; I went all the way past my house and biked back and forth in the area for about an hour trying to find a familiar storefront. After deciding to go back to the school and start over, I realized where I was and made my way towards home. After I got home, my mom and I went to pick up some medicine for my father (apparently some body part of his is cold because he doesn't drink enough water...? My translation may be off) and to buy shoes. Unfortunately, my host mom slightly misunderstood what type of shoes I wanted. I wanted house slippers because you're supposed to have them in Chinese houses, but she thought I wanted Nike running shoes. Luckily, it was a big mall and we managed to buy the ugliest pair of shoes I've ever owned for me to wear around the house. That one can go on the success list!

I have no clue what we did after that. That was essentially all we did during our closed weekend. Not really much bonding, but the effort was there. Hopefully it will get better as my Chinese gets better.

Monday, September 2, 2013

"It's Okay"

The moments ticked by more quickly than I could count. My host mom stared at me, her eyebrows raised. I desperately fished around in my head for the correct thing to say, knowing that the next couple moments were key.
是好的!” I blurted out, desperately hoping it was the right thing to say. It was a literal translation of the English phrase “it’s okay” -  taken in America to mean no thank you – but apparently taken differently in China. My words resulted in a giant smile across my host mom’s face as she unwrapped the package in her hands and stabbed the contents with a toothpick. Still smiling, she handed me the preserved snail she had brought back with her from a trip to Taiwan.
A moment later, I discovered that I do not enjoy snails. I especially do not enjoy snails that are salty, chewy, and reminiscent of cuttlefish. Yet what else could I do but eat it and attempt a smile when my host mom was clearly overjoyed that I was trying the food she had just given me? Personally, I was not blessed with a penchant for enjoying exotic foods; although I’ll generally eat most things, snails were up to that point not on my list of foods I had consumed, nor planned to. For me, eating a snail was an extremely unpleasant experience; in stark contrast, my host parents both seemed to greatly enjoy it. However, after this experience, I will never again use the phrase “是好的” to mean “no thank you”. Although the lesson itself may have been slightly unsavory*, the outcome was one of many language lessons that I believe will be fully worth whatever discomfiture I may encounter as a result.

*pun completely intended