Monday, July 15, 2013

Packing List

I'm writing this post at 11:26pm on a Monday night, despite the looming imminency of biology camp tomorrow. For some reason, I decided this would be an ideal time to start my blog. So far, I've battled the unavailability of blog urls, Blogger's layout, and my seemingly infinite ability to procrastinate doing productive things.

Aside from that, I'm adding to my packing list for Beijing. On August 10, I leave for a two week vacation with my family in China. Unlike most people who take a trip to China, I won't be coming back for months. My original plan was to spend a semester in China; I'm considering extending it to a year. I'm going with a program called School Year Abroad. Thirty-four other American students are going with me, among them my friend Jessica. I'm going to spend months away from my family and friends, learning a new language (that I've studied for 5 years to little avail), meeting new people, experiencing life in a completely different culture, and exploring a foreign city.
I've just added to my packing list; but how can you really pack to leave part of your life behind?